Have you been able to keep up with your New Year’s Resolution? It is January 20, and this is about the time that the resolutions you worked so hard to come up with start to fade away. So the question presents itself, but why do people let themselves come up with goals and not follow through with them.
Unrealistic Expectations
Let’s be honest, sometimes the goals that we make for ourselves are not realistic. If someone makes a goal to never drink soda again, but they have been drinking soda twice a day every day for the past year, then this goal is probably not the most realistic. Before we create goals for ourselves, we need to think of our everyday habits.
Not Time Permissible
If we make a goal, we need to make sure that our schedule allows for it. If our goal takes up an unreasonable amount of time, then we will most likely not want to follow through with it.
No accountability
Sometimes our goals do not work out because we don’t have someone to keep us accountable. When we create goals, we need to let someone else know about what we are trying to accomplish. If we do not have accountability, it is very easy to cheat yourself when the goal becomes harder.
What do I do if I have already cheated or broken my New Year’s Resolution?
Start over! You do not have to wait until the beginning of a month, beginning of a new year, or any special day of the week. Create a new goal if you have to. If you need a more attainable goal, then create one. Do not be discouraged about not following through with your New Year’s Resolution and start over. You can do this!