Is Social Media Important for Your Business?

Social media is growing every day. There are over 3.2 billion people using social media as of today. No matter what industry your business is in, social media can help in so many ways. Below are 5 reasons on why to consider social media for your business.S

1. Social media builds brand awareness

Because there are so many people on social media, the amount of people that can run across your business is outstanding. Hashtags now allow your business to be seen by even more people, and this allows the potential reach of your business to be larger than normal.

2. Social media shows the authenticity of your brand.

Posting on social media allows your business to show authenticity. Show people that your business is ran by real people.

3. Social media is cost effective.

Shaping your voice and building your brand on social media does not have to be expensive because social media starts out free for everyone no matter the size of the company.

4. Social media allows you to engage with your customers.

In the past, it was a one way type of communication for businesses. With social media, businesses can get feedback from customers and interact with them on different aspects of their business.

5. Social media helps increase traffic to your website.

While social media does not have an immediate effect on sales, statistics have shown that social media does help in the long run. For any of you in smaller businesses, the key is to stay consistent. It takes longer than a week to build brand awareness.

“Social media is here. It’s not going away; not a passing fad. Be where your customers are: in social media.”

-Lori Ruff

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